
Showing posts from November, 2022

This time mainly pictures! / Dieses Mal hauptsächlich Bilder!/ Esta vez principalmente fotos!

     Hello again! Alright, this post will be short and sweet on the text part. I will let pictures tell the              stories of our last week.      We spent this last week with friends and traveled to Schlitz/ Queck in Hessen and Berlin, our capital.      The summary is that we had a blast meeting up with friends, slept in a Castle on Halloween, and              loved exploring German history in two different parts of Germany!      Just a heads up: we will start our Europe tour this week and visit seven countries in only a few                   weeks. So, my next post will most likely come again a little later and not weekly since we will be on      the move a lot! Here is our general itinerary for the next weeks: Netherlands, Belgium, France,                   Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Austria. Talk to you soon! 😊      Hallo nochmal! Ok, also in diesem Post werde ich es kurz und knackig halten zwecks des Textes. Ich were                Bilder die Geschichten der letzten Woche e

Reuniting with Family after 4 years (!) & a Swiss Miracle

Home at last! On October 12 th, we arrived in Germany and finally saw my family again after 4 years. It was so nice to come home, see everyone and speak German again! This first week we took it easy and just met with family and ate and ate and ate and ate…. We ate sooo much food! It is hard to stay disciplined when you are home and when all the delicious foods are right there: white Bavarian sausage, bread, buns, meats & cheeses, Kroketten (similar to tater tots), favorite meals from my childhood, sweets, white asparagus, …. Oh well, we indulged, and that is ok! 😊 I also have to say I am very impressed and grateful for all the efforts my family and friends make to speak English! It was quite amazing, and appreciated how much English was spoken and how comfortable everyone was - so a big THANK YOU again to everyone on this note! One task I finally had to tackle was sorting through my old belongings and helping to clean up the attic. It is amazing what one keeps over the yea