
Showing posts from October, 2022

A peacock, Eazy -E and a loaded question at the post office! / Ein Pfau, Eazy-E und eine haarige Frage im Postamt! / ¡Un pavo real, Eazy -E y una pregunta capciosa en la oficina de correos!

My apologies for the delay – we had internet issues this past week. The past three weeks we spent in the South of England in a charming little town called Rodmell. It is truly a small town that has one pub in which we were able to eat once. This was not due to a lack of trying but due to us being the outsiders in the village, obviously not knowing when the pub was open and when not. We appeared always at the pub when it was closed, and there were no hours posted, so either you knew when to come or you simply did not belong to the club. 😊   In Rodmell, we stayed in a food forest, which is more or less exactly what you would expect. It was a larger Estate with several buildings on it and a big garden attached with mainly eatable plants in it. You truly could take a stroll (or a bimble, as one employee would call it 😊 ) and find everything from berries to spinach, kale, tomatoes, pears, rhubarb, silver berries, herbs, and more. It was amazing! We also had chickens, a rooster (which